The more we know about your event and what you’re trying to achieve, the better we can work with you to help you make it happen.

Tell us everything, and not just the stuff you think the Safety People need to know. That’s key to our approach.
Context is key. Our Event Safety specialists need to understand your event. All of it. We do what we do in the context of everyone else on the event doing what they do. The more we know, the better we can deliver for you and your attendees.
We are Event People. We didn’t start out doing safety for events, but rather planning and managing events from start to finish. That’s a service we still deliver on events like Wild Lights and Dublin Pride in Ireland.
Indeed, in Ireland, we still provide that full service for many long-term clients. Internationally, we are the Safety People.
Being Event People, we know events. We understand how Safety can impact Stage Production. We have seen how Accreditation is impacted by Safety policies if developed in isolation.
The more we have sight of, the better we can do our work for you.

Safety is creative and approaching it that way, imagining better ways to do things, allows us to add true value to event projects.

We don’t like doing things because ‘they’ve always been done that way’. We consider all options and we don’t discount anything out of hand. We’re known for not doing that.
We think for ourselves and we don’t mind challenging convention. We enjoy exploring new and better ways of doing things. We do our research. We consult with colleagues and competitors to find better ways of doing things.
Our Digital Operations team and people + process approach stand in testament to that.
Imagination is a powerful thing.
It is particularly so, when teamed with the depth and breath of experience of our people. Everybody brings something to the table. Everybody.
Our results are collectively achieved – both internally and externally. The balance in our team is superb. How we work with our event partners is superbly effective.
We build models & explore options. We look at all realistic potential approaches for your event to establish what will work best for you.

We do this as many times as it takes, rather than look for the easy answer. It’s the best answer we want, not the easiest.
We are not fans of the ‘we’ve always done it that way’ approach to Crowd and Event Safety. Things change. Experience mounts. Research is done and shared. Understanding progresses allowing for greater appreciation of risks and challenges and potentially new ways of addressing them.
This is one of the most rewarding parts of what we do. Testing theories. Modelling new approaches to tackle old problems. Exchanging the benefit of experience and expertise with colleagues, competitors, academics, event attendees and more.
The above and more allow us to stay at the forefront of what works, what current best practice looks like and how best to keep people safe at your events. We do this every day.

We are event people that specialise in safety. This allows us to efficiently and effectively integrate with your team when it comes towards time to deliver your event.
We don’t just work with you to plan your event. Effectively moving from planning to delivery involves effective integration.
The way in which we do our planning work facilitates seamless integration when it comes time for delivery. By then, our team will have worked alongside yours to put the plans in place.
As the project moves into the delivery phase, we are one team.
Research and experience tells us that this – the integration of those involved in the planning of events into the delivery team – contributes significantly towards the safe and successful delivery.
Delivery is key. Planning and developing documentation, policies and procedures is only one part. Implementation must be equally strong.

We are Operational, as well as Strategic and Tactical. This sets us apart and it works for our clients.
We are as experienced in working ‘on the ground’ to run events as we are at planning them. We do not provide plans and documentation for you without helping you implement them. This is the way we can best help ensure your event is safe and successful.
We provide our greatest value working this way when clients involve us early on in the planning process lifecycle. It can’t happen too early.
In the majority of cases, involving us this early doesn’t even increase the cost but it does allow us to help you avoid greater cost, hassle, stress and time loss down the line.